Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Sleeping Baby, Staring Parents

    Time spent on getting your baby to sleep can be quite substantial. So it is strange that when parents do get their babies to sleep, they then stand there watching the baby. Seeing the quirky facial movements, the half smile, the quivering lip, the big grin that seems to represent a ‘number 2’, or the […]

  • Protected: One Month Mosaic

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • Singing Ability & Parenthood

    I am not a born singer but I have come to realise that parenthood changes all of that. All of a sudden your knowledge of a song, in particular the words, brings forth never before seen (in this case heard) renditions of a usually popular song. Depending on your mood, the new lyrics can be quite good […]

  • Night-time Observation

    From many people and friends I have heard of the problem of night-time feeds. They occur several times through the night, and interrupt your sleep immensely. But there is a piece of information missing, and that is the length of time for the actual feed. To be woken at 1am, and then 5am sounds bad, but not necessarily […]

  • Face Changes

    This sounds ridiculous, but I just opened a picture of the little chap on our computer, from when he was only a few days old, and already his features are changing! Its almost sad that he’s growing so quickly. I should point out that He is only two weeks old ….

  • The Umbilical Cord

    At the birth, I was instructed by the Doctor on where to cut the Umbilical Cord. What wasn’t mentioned, and what did not cross my mind, is what happens to the rest of the cord – the part between where I cut it, and Baby. For those not familiar, the cord is approximately thumb-like in […]

  • Beach Time


  • [dee-zhawn] [muhs-terd]

    I’m really not sure how it came up in conversation, but the midwife explained to us what a normal ‘movement’ should be like for a newborn. Without a single hesitation she described it quite simply as being like Dijon Mustard …. …. seeds included.

  • Facial Contortions

    Just over a day had passed and the decision to force our Little Boy to have his first movement was made. So a little before midnight, my son was taken away by the nurse and was screaming blue-murder down the corridor. When I got there, the nurse had stripped him and was giving him a […]

  • Beautiful Boy

    Last night we had a phone call that put back the time of the caesarian. Not psychologically the best thing that could have happened. So this morning we left for the hospital later then originally planned but no one had been able to sleep. After having been given a room, it was a waiting game […]

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