Tag: Hospital

  • The Birth II

    We were lucky enough to find a superb Gynaecologist who delivered our baby. Through every step of the process he helped and guided us while still managing to instil great confidence. The day eventually came when we parted ways – a healthy Baby Boy had been born and the Doctor moved on to other patients. […]

  • Beautiful Boy

    Last night we had a phone call that put back the time of the caesarian. Not psychologically the best thing that could have happened. So this morning we left for the hospital later then originally planned but no one had been able to sleep. After having been given a room, it was a waiting game […]

  • Is he coming?

    Early this morning, we phoned the hospital as we thought there may be a problem. They told us to come in straight-away. 11:16 Have arrived at the hospital, and have been hooked up to a heart and toco monitor. I had to look up what toco meant – basically it measures contractions. A little bit […]