Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Is he coming?
Early this morning, we phoned the hospital as we thought there may be a problem. They told us to come in straight-away. 11:16 Have arrived at the hospital, and have been hooked up to a heart and toco monitor. I had to look up what toco meant – basically it measures contractions. A little bit […]
Plastered People
At first thought, the idea of plastering the torso to create a memento of the [future] occasion is a good one. Putting thoughts into actions is an infinitely more difficult concept. You are supplied with the plaster strips, and then have to cut them to size, which is easy enough. Then the first hard part […]
How early is early?
I am getting a little concerned, as my wife keeps telling me she thinks ‘blimp’ will come early. That on its own doesn’t worry me, but her mobility – or lack of – has reduced an awful lot recently. Obviously health-wise, it would be better for ‘blimp’ to come later rather then sooner – but […]
Hidden Worlds
Shops have suddenly got bigger and I don’t think that is going to change for a while. There used to be areas of a supermarket or department store – in fact whole shops – which we never seemed to know existed. A strange new world of little things, tiny outfits and baby must-haves has emerged. […]
Blimps first A380 Flight
Dubai to London Heathrow – after days of uncertainty, LHR is open again and we can finally land.
The Height of Laziness
The world of Dubai is very automatic, and when I say that, I mean people get things done for them rather then do them themselves. So it came as no real surprise to find this popular item in one of the local malls…. Is this the Height of Laziness?
If you buy those headbands with a bow on them for a girl baby your child will look like a demented Easter Egg in a nappy. ~ The Rough Guide to Pregnancy and Birth
Breaking the News
Near the end of last month the first trimester of the pregnancy ended; up until that point we had not told many people of the news. Family was of course first, and I was actually surprised at the reaction. My birthday coincided with us starting to tell friends the news, and if I was to […]
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