Tag: Baby

  • The Umbilical Cord

    At the birth, I was instructed by the Doctor on where to cut the Umbilical Cord. What wasn’t mentioned, and what did not cross my mind, is what happens to the rest of the cord – the part between where I cut it, and Baby. For those not familiar, the cord is approximately thumb-like in […]

  • Beautiful Boy

    Last night we had a phone call that put back the time of the caesarian. Not psychologically the best thing that could have happened. So this morning we left for the hospital later then originally planned but no one had been able to sleep. After having been given a room, it was a waiting game […]

  • Antenatal

    We are currently in the middle of attending our antenatal classes, and last night the topic was around the actual birth itself. The class was given by an amazing South African midwife who you could tell just had a passion for her job – the two hours went by so quickly. Among all the stories […]

  • Hidden Worlds

    Shops have suddenly got bigger and I don’t think that is going to change for a while. There used to be areas of a supermarket or department store – in fact whole shops – which we never seemed to know existed. A strange new world of little things, tiny outfits and baby must-haves has emerged. […]

  • Headbands

    If you buy those headbands with a bow on them for a girl baby your child will look like a demented Easter Egg in a nappy. ~ The Rough Guide to Pregnancy and Birth

  • IKEA & Baby

    With all that is going on, I decided I’d like something from home. So, off I went to IKEA to have some meat balls. Lets be honest, they are not the same, flavour isn’t quite right – but even so, off I went and low and behold, the chef behind the counter had a very […]