Category: Jovia

  • Face Changes

    This sounds ridiculous, but I just opened a picture of the little chap on our computer, from when he was only a few days old, and already his features are changing! Its almost sad that he’s growing so quickly. I should point out that He is only two weeks old ….

  • The Umbilical Cord

    At the birth, I was instructed by the Doctor on where to cut the Umbilical Cord. What wasn’t mentioned, and what did not cross my mind, is what happens to the rest of the cord – the part between where I cut it, and Baby. For those not familiar, the cord is approximately thumb-like in […]

  • [dee-zhawn] [muhs-terd]

    I’m really not sure how it came up in conversation, but the midwife explained to us what a normal ‘movement’ should be like for a newborn. Without a single hesitation she described it quite simply as being like Dijon Mustard …. …. seeds included.

  • Plastered People

    At first thought, the idea of plastering the torso to create a memento of the [future] occasion is a good one. Putting thoughts into actions is an infinitely more difficult concept. You are supplied with the plaster strips, and then have to cut them to size, which is easy enough. Then the first hard part […]